Yes, you’ve probably heard long ago the news about legend Elon Musk planning to start colonizing Mars in 6 years, or about him saying that humans will need to become cyborgs in order to survive. Well now, Musk has revealed a plan for easeing city traffic with a netwok of tunnels that would transport cars on high-speed skates travelling at 130 miles per hours.

The entrepreneur and Tesla founder has talked about his plans and vision for The Boring Company during a TED Talk in Vancouver last week. His idea of building underground tunnels inside LA came with the founding of his newest company late 2016, after feeling frustrated with the Los Angeles traffic.

“One of the most soul-destroying things is traffic,” he said during the talk. “It affects people in every part of the world. It takes away so much of your life. It’s horrible. It’s particularly horrible in LA.”

“We’re trying to dig a hole under LA, and this is to create the beginning of what will hopefully be a 3D network of tunnels to alleviate congestion.”

So how do these underground car skates actually work? In the video, the process is explained – it shows a car pulling into a bay, which then transports the car underground, where it becomes a “skate” and propels the car through the tunnel with about 13-miles-per-hour.

 “You have to be able to integrate the entrance and exit of the tunnel seamlessly into the fabric of the city,” said Musk.

“So by having an elevator, sort of a car skate that’s on an elevator, you can integrate the entrances and exits to the tunnel network just by using two parking spaces.”

Elon Musk

Billionaire Musk does, however, acknowledge the costlines of such a project that involves underground digging, but says is already thinking about cutting down costs by developing a maching through The Boring Company that can simultaneously perform tunneling and reinforcing.

Throughout the talk, Musk touched on his other various high-profile projects – confirming that Tesla’s Model 3 production should start in July and that the cars should be able to be used autonomously from LA to New York by the end of this year.

“I’m just trying to think about the future and not be sad,” he said.